We believe in the infallible, verbal inspiration of the whole Bible (II Pet. 1.19-21; II Tim. 3.16)

and specifically, that the Bible is the Word of God

and does not merely contain the Word of God.

We reject any and all modern translations and or versions

which are not substantially in keeping with the 1611 Authorized Version of the Bible.


We believe in the Trinity of the Godhead,

specifically, God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
(Matt. 28.19; I John 5.7).

God the Father is the supreme intelligence of all the universe (Gen. 1.1; Gen. 1.26)

and is worthy of all reverence, adoration, and worship of all His creation.

God the Son is the fullness of the Godhead bodily

and all that we shall ever know of God in bodily form
(John 14.9-11; Heb. 1.1-3).

God the Holy Spirit is the manifestation of God who convicts every lost individual of sin(John 16.7-14),

and not only bears witness with and indwells the spirit of every saved individual(Rom. 8.14-17),

but also baptized as an institution and indwells every true New Testament Church body(John 14.26; John 15.26; John 16.13; Acts 1.4-8; Acts 2.1-4).

During the apostolic era the Holy Spirit endowed true believers with special gifts,

the purpose of which was to supply absolute identification to God's servants
(I Cor. 12/1-31; John 3.2; Mark 16.20).

Upon the completion of the cannon of the New Testament,

these special gifts were no longer needed.

Gifts which remain are Faith, Hope, and Charity
(I Cor. 13.1-13; especially I Cor. 13.9-13).


We believe the Genesis account of creation(Gen. I & II; John 1.1-3)

and that man is the direct creation of God from the dust of the earth and not by evolution.

We believe man was created in the image and likness of God
(Gen. 1.26-28; Gen 2.7; Gen. 2.18-25).


We believe that Christ was born of a virgin and conceived of the Holy Spirit(Isa. 7.14; Isa. 9.6,7; Matt. 1.18-25; Luke 2.26-35).

We believe this was a specific act of God by which he signaled the advent of our Saviour.


We believe Jesus suffered and died for all mankind;

however, only those who believe on Christ shall be saved
(I Tim. 4.10; Heb. 2-9; John 3.16-18; Luke 24.46-47; Matt. 26.28).

We believe that Jesus made atonement with His own blood on the altar in Heaven(Rev. 1.5; Heb 9.12-24; Heb 10.10-14; Heb. 13.12),

securing full and complete salvation for every believer (Col. 2.10).

We believe that the receiving of the New Birth is one and the same thing as being saved(John 3.3-18; Eph. 2.8-10).

Therefore, we believe that Salvation is by grace through faith apart from any and all works(Eph. 2.8-10; Titus 3.5; II Tim. 1.9; Rom 11.6).


We believe that Jesus Christ was and is very God even as saith the Word (John 1.1-3; John 1.14; Heb. 1.3; I Tim. 1.11; II Cor. 5.19).

We believe that Christ necessarily put on the robe of flesh that He might be our kinsman Redeemer(II Cor. 8.9; Heb. 2.6-10, 14).


We believe in the bodily resurrection and ascension of Christ (Matt. 28.5-8; I Cor. 15.20; I Cor. 5.1-8; Acts 1.9-11),

the bodily resurrection of His saints at His coming (I Thess. 4.16-17; I Cor. 15.51-58),

and the resurrection of the wicked dead after the millennium (Rev. 20.4-6).

We do not believe that any who have trusted Jesus will be omitted from the first resurrection

or suffer damnation subsequent to that resurrection
(Rev. 20.6; John 5.24; Rom. 8.1; Rom 8.34-39).


We believe that Jesus Christ will return to this earth as King of Kings and Lord of Lords

and shall establish His Kingdom over this present earth.

He shall rule for one thousand years at the end of which,

God shall make all things new
(Rev. 19.11-16; Matt. 24.29-31; rev 1.7; Rev. 20.4-6; Rev. 21.1-5).


We believe that all who reject God's gift of salvation

shall be turned into the lake of fire, which is the second death, forever.

We believe the only reason for being finally lost

is rejection of Christ as Saviour
(Rev. 20.11-15; Matt. 25.41,46; Luke 16.19-31;Matt. 18.8-10; John 3.17-18; John 3.36; I Pet 3.9; Mark 16.16).


We believe the Great Commission, as given to the churches,

places the authority in the local, autonomous, visible churches to make disciples,

baptize them by immersion only,

and teach them to observe whatsoever Jesus commanded
(Matt. 28.18-20; Matt. 18.15-18; I Cor. 1.2; Gal. 1.2).

We recognize these commands to include two ordinances for the church:

Baptism which is administered by a local New Testament Church
(Rom. 6.4; Matt. 28.19; Acts 2.41-42)

and the Lord's Supper which can only be Scriptural

when observed within the disciplinary jurisdiction of a local church
(I  Cor. 10.16-17; I Cor 10.21; I Cor. 11.26-29; I Cor. 11.18-20).


We believe that associated bodies, committees, etc.,

are instruments of the churches and never, under any circumstances,

are to become tribunals or in any way dominate the Lord's churches.

They must forever be in servitude to the churches
(I Cor. 16.1-3; I Cor. 8.18-24; Matt. 18.15-18).


We believe that local, autonomous, visible Missionary Baptist Churches are true churches of Christ (Eph. 3.21).

Jesus established the first of this kind during His personal ministry
(Matt. 16.18; Matt. 4.19).

True New Testament Churches have existed in the world in all times without exception

since the establishment by Christ
(Eph. 3.21; I Cor. 11.26).

Churches will continue in the Faith once delivered to the saints till Jesus claims His Bride (Matt. 28.20; Eph. 3.21; Heb. 12.28).


We believe that God has sent Missionary Baptist Churches

to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all races of people
(Mark 16.15; Acts 1.8)

We believe that social integrating of races is not a means to better carry out the Commission but,

to the contrary, would have the simple effect of hindering the perseverance of God's people in this work
(Acts 17.29).

Therefore, we believe that any form of social integration of black and white races

is contrary to the total theme of God's Word

and should be scrupulously avoided
(I Cor. 15.35-41; Acts 17.26).

We believe that efforts to assist black races in organizing and maintaining true New Testament Churches

should be made by all of our churches as often as opportunity is available.


We believe that God made man (the male of the species) to be head of his family(Eph. 5.22-31).

We further believe that God made woman to be a helpmeet to man in the family role(Gen. 2.18-24).

We believe that the Bible teaches that no woman should ever hold the office of deacon or pastor in a church,

or usurp authority over men
(Eph. 3.1-13; I Tim. 2.9-15; Titus 1.4-8).


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